Friday, March 9, 2012

Money and capitalism cause poverty and war. when will the world wake up........?

and see that capitalism doesnt work?

capitalism exploits the majority who do all the work, and the ruling minority, who do nothing, live in luxury. its madness.

we need a new way of organising society

non-hierarchical federations of communes, made up of autonomous syndicates, would ensure everyone has all that they need and we would all have more free time to do the things we want to do, because there wouldnt be people wasting their time doing pointless jobs like banking and insurance

why cant people understand that?Money and capitalism cause poverty and war. when will the world wake up........?
the real problems are greed and selfishness...

Gods kingdom will come!
Yes,the US is the poorst coutnry in the world due to capitalism. Get a clue.

Minimum wage in the US, is more money than %90 of the world's population will ever see. If you don;t like being a fry cook, than get a loan and go to school so you can be on the other end.Money and capitalism cause poverty and war. when will the world wake up........?
People go into denial,much rather worry about a plasma screen than world state...They talk about War ,Killing maiming without anythought just tow the scoundrels line..The last resort of the scoundrel is patriotism%26gt;OW...Climate change is forcing the rich to look at the World as their money is useless,if everything is fcuked.
Comunist countries start trouble too...look at the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, or Pol Pots Cambodia.Money and capitalism cause poverty and war. when will the world wake up........?
"money ... causes poverty"???

"The ruling minority, who do nothing, live in luxury"???

What world are you living in? 6 months ago when I had a job, I was doing well. Now that I've been laid off and unemployed for 6 months, I can barely buy groceries or gasoline. And on top of that the a/c in my car doesn't work and I live in Florida. I don't call that luxury.

(I'm a college graduate.)
Interesting question. Everything is interconnected. Some individuals realize this more than others. Money and capitalism are concepts--ideas put into fruition. Money and capitialism are only a part of the picture. *Social constructs* are at the core of many issues institutionalized within our society today. Examples of social constructs include, but are not limited to: human classifications of race, social status, world religion, etc. Bloody disputes over identity,as ethnic clashes, ethnic cleansing, race classification and religion can cause division, poverty and war. When we come to the realization of our commonality and refrain from obsessively focusing on differences, society will be more organized. Then humanity will be unified.
For one, no one understands you non-hierarchical communal federation concept. Except maybe Monty Python.

For another, the world does understand the costs of capitalism, and most capitalist or rather developed nations have social safety nets and rights to housing, clothing etc...

The Amish have sort of done what you are talking about, and the Kibbutz in Israel, I suppose. And many Indian reservations, military units and other 'command economies', like post war Maoism and Leninism, the war planning of the US and UK during WWII, Japan after WWII etc... The characteristic similiar to all of these things is that they have replaced market incentives with other incentive systems - like patriotism, religion, fear.

But none of these systems have been able to develop incentive systems which are consistent with sustained technological growth and complex economic production and distribution of goods and services. This is because no one person or group of persons knows what the appropriate prices and quantities of goods to make. If you have no bankers, how do you decide what products to invest in, what new areas to develop? If you ask me to vote on it, I will likely throw up my arms and say 'who knows - leave it to the bankers'. You could try economic democracy, but then instead of market prices and competition you will have political manipulation and corruption.
i agree with you 100%, but at the same time we are consumers - consumerism is now the drug of the masses, not Religion! My neighbour is on social security and spends 拢110 a month on the latest trainers - please tell me where is the sense in that? There is none - exactly!

The proletariat have always been and always will be be oppressed by the bourgeoisie, but what is the alternative? Communism?
Cookie, I'm not sure if you're asking a serious question for a change - maybe you are.

Capitalism in the 19th century sense of the word is gone. An economy based primarily on capital and labour no longer exists. It dissapeared so gradually that nobody particularly noticed. We are now in a debt based economy now where the amount of money in existance could well be negative as governments lend money to the banks as a method of collecting funds and establishing control.
HELLOOOO COMMUNISM DOESN`T WORK ASK THE BLOODY RUSSIANS, AN CUBAN`S... and now look at the Chinese they have adopted a free open economy (capitalism). its people are prospering for the first time since** the cultural ** revolution, look at north Korea run by a paranoid dictator his people are starving and its not because of the capitalist west its because he is a nutcase,the capitalist west specially U.S.A. donate food supplies to them to try and stop the north Korean people from starving, and you are trying to tell us that capitalism doesn`t work, where did you buy your brain from bloody ARGOS... dipshits like you are usually no good at anything but listening to some stupid idiot who seems to think he has all the answers to the world problems by destroying capitalism, get a bloody life and grow up you moron, and try and see some more of this world before you condenm it and the system it has...
People don't understand because the ones with all the money, also own the entire media system; which they use to tell us only what they want us to hear and think. They also tell us that we've never had it so good, despite the millions who starve to death each year, and that any other way of running society simply won't work at all. You mention the word socialism to anybody, 49 out of 50 people will call you stupid and say that's a failed idea, although 48 out of those 49 people would benefit immeasurably from a socialist society; and the other 1 out of 49 would be no worse off after the introduction of a better society either.

Capitalism is bonkers, it is destroying this planet. Who knows, perhaps to realize that society doesn't work might be the test that we have all been given.

To all those other people who've answered this question, the communist countries WERE NOT communist. They weren't even socialist, those policies were completely destroyed by Stalin!!! Those countries were a twisted form of capitalism that the West called communist for political reasons. Which worked as your answers have shown quite clearly.
And I bet all your material goods were manufactured by firms that have been successfull in the capitalist economy!

You can look throughout the world. In virtually every country poverty is the norm - you have a small ruling class and peasants. It is only in capitalist countries that you have a significant middle class i.e. a group of people who have escaped poverty. They have done this on the back of wealth creation.

Your opinion is naive as it overlooks human nature - the average person is not altruistic (witness those hoarding water in Gloucester today for instance) and will produce more wealth if they realise they will benefit from its creation. Countries modelled on (in theory) altruism i.e. communes/ socialism/communism are notorious for lack of productive capability and creation of wealth.

Finally the creation of wealth is often done by someone going into business - obtaining a loan from the bank to cover start-up costs and only willing to take the risks because they have purchased insurance against major disasters.

No-one is stopping you. If you want to be wealthy get out there and do some work! (And don't approach a bank for a loan because their jobs are pointless)

I must admit the 500,000 people in the Midlands at the moment are probably grateful that there are people doing pointless jobs like insurance!
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